The product ID helps our team determine detailed information about your equipment, like when it was produced and where. If there is an issue with your product, this information allows us to alert our Quality Assurance team and better investigate the root cause, ultimately improving future performance of our gear!
Based on the date of manufacture, some items may have the ID in more than one location. If you follow this article and you still are unable to locate or read your product ID, simply put in "I don't know" in the product ID field and your claim will still submit.
Please use the following guidance to locate your product’s ID:
This ID will be a combination of numbers and letters, like "76CNN19002654." The information can be found on the sewn-in label inside the body of the tent and on the sewn-in label inside the tent stuff sack.
This ID will be a combination of numbers and letters, like "60TWN1902." The information can be found on the welded edge at the head of the pad, near both current Laylow™ valves and pre-2019 "stem" valves.
This ID will be a combination of numbers and letters, like "405BCNN2009." The information can be found at the bottom of the sleeping bag on the sewn-in white label.
This ID will be a combination of numbers and letters, like "540APHN202020200212." The information canbe found on the frame, along the crossbar section, on both Moonlite™ and Stargaze™.
This ID will be a combination of numbers and letters, like "60TWN1902." The information can be found on the white sewn-in label inside the stuff sack, as well as on the edge of the underside of the shower’s foot pump.
You can find your pillows product ID alongside the valve. If you slightly move the fabric to expose the underside, you will see the combination of numbers and letters, like “60TWN1902."
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